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EARN Calgary: July 15th, 2017

Do you write or speak about money topics like personal finance, investing, frugality, couponing, travel, parenting, or entrepreneurship? Then this mastermind conference is for you!

EARN Calgary is on July 15th. Come network with other money bloggers as we bring in experts to share new ideas, host “ask me anything” sessions, and open mastermind round-table chats. Ask questions, help each other, share what is or isn’t working for you, and learn how to 10x your business.


Ernest Barbaric

Ernest Barbaric

Ernest Barbaric is a seasoned digital marketing strategist, educator, and speaker. Ernest’s work has been featured in HubSpot, Mashable, Forbes, USA Today, Social Media Today, and Canadian Business amongst others.

He founded the Social Media for Business certificate program at Mount Royal University, and developed two Digital Marketing Strategy certificate programs for the Canadian Marketing Association.

More recently, Ernest gave a TEDx talk on Digital Addiction, launched PodSummit, and is building a wilderness retreat for entrepreneurs. You can find Ernest at

Donna McTaggart

Donna McTaggart

Impacted by Social Media in 2009, Donna was drawn to social platforms and quickly learned the power of a post. As coordinator of Social Media Breakfast, she experienced how the intersection of social media and networking can build community.

She now offers expertise to non-profits, conferences and event planners, expanding marketing strategy to a digital strategy for message-driven events. Kaos is working with clients prior to, during and post event, building up the conversation, engaging with speakers, sponsors and attendees. Ensuring event purpose is shared and call to action is clear.


9:00 AM: Doors open. Location sponsored by ATB Financial.
A continental breakfast will be provided (plus coffee and tea all day!)

9:30 AM: Ernest Barbaric

10:30 AM: Break

11:00 AM: Donna McTaggart

12:00 PM: On-site lunch from Grumans, sponsored by 5iResearch

1: 00 PM: Ask Me Anything sessions and site tear-downs

2:30 PM: Break

3:00 PM: Round-table mastermind discussions

5:30 PM: Dinner at Cibo, sponsored by ModernAdvisor

Super organized. Loads of value. That’s what you can expect from an event put on by Tom Drake. He knows how to focus an event around you and your needs, both with programming and logistics. Expect to have a great time and get a ton of value from EARN Events!

Philip Taylor

Founder, FinCon

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ATB Financial




ATB Entrepreneur Centre
ATB Entrepreneur Centre, Calgary
1110 17 Ave SW
Calgary Alberta, T2T 0B4

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